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Snowflake Business Model Canvas

Snowflake Business Model Canvas
Photo by Christina Morillo, Edited by Grey Knight

A Brief History of Snowflake

Snowflake Inc. is a data warehousing company that was founded in 2012 by Marcin Zukowski, Benoit Dageville, and Thierry Cruanes. The company is based in San Mateo, California and provides cloud-based data storage and analytics services.

Snowflake Inc. has rapidly grown since its founding, attracting significant investment and increasing its customer base. In 2014, the company secured $26 million in funding, followed by a $45 million round in 2015. In 2020, Snowflake Inc. went public with a highly successful initial public offering (IPO), raising over $3 billion and becoming one of the largest software IPOs in history.

The company’s success can be attributed to the increasing demand for cloud-based data storage and analytics solutions, as well as its innovative approach to data warehousing. Snowflake Inc. has continued to expand its services and partnerships, solidifying its position as a leader in the data management industry.

Today, Snowflake Inc. is valued at over $100 billion and serves a wide range of clients, including Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. The company continues to innovate and develop new technologies, positioning itself for continued growth and success in the future.

Who Owns Snowflake?

Snowflake Inc. is owned by a combination of individual and institutional investors who hold shares in the company. The top 10 shareholders of Snowflake Inc. include prominent investment firms and mutual funds such as Berkshire Hathaway, Capital Group Companies, T. Rowe Price Associates, and Dragoneer Investment Group. These shareholders hold significant stakes in the company and have a vested interest in its success and growth. Additionally, the company’s executives and founders are also major shareholders, further aligning their interests with those of the company and its investors. As a rapidly growing and highly sought-after tech company, Snowflake Inc. continues to attract the attention and investment of a wide range of stakeholders.

Snowflake Mission Statement

About Snowflake

Snowflake Inc.’s mission is to enable every organization to be data-driven. They strive to simplify and democratize the use of data across the organization by providing a cloud-based data platform that makes it easy for businesses to securely store, integrate, and analyze their data at any scale. By empowering users with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions, Snowflake Inc. aims to drive innovation, efficiency, and success for its customers.

How Snowflake Makes Money?

Snowflake Inc. operates on a cloud-based data warehousing model, providing a platform for businesses to store and analyze large volumes of data. The company makes money through a subscription-based revenue model, charging customers based on usage and the resources they consume. This includes charges for storage, computing power, and features like data sharing and advanced analytics. Snowflake Inc. also generates revenue through professional services and support offered to its customers. With its scalable and flexible approach, Snowflake Inc. has been able to rapidly grow its revenue stream as organizations increasingly turn to cloud-based solutions for their data needs.

Snowflake Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that provides a visual representation of a company’s business model. It helps to understand how a company creates, delivers, and captures value. The canvas consists of 9 key elements that provide a comprehensive overview of a company’s business model, allowing for easy analysis and strategic decision-making.

Customer Segments:

– Snowflake Inc. primarily targets enterprise customers in various industries such as financial services, healthcare, retail, and technology.
– The company also focuses on serving customers who require scalable, high-performance data warehousing and analytics solutions.
– Snowflake also caters to the needs of government and public sector organizations.

Value Propositions:

– Snowflake’s cloud data platform offers customers the flexibility, performance, and scalability to handle all of their data and analytics needs.
– The company’s data-sharing capabilities allow customers to securely share live data with their business partners and suppliers.
– Snowflake’s architecture enables users to store and analyze both structured and semi-structured data without compromising on performance.


– Snowflake Inc. primarily sells its cloud-based data warehousing and analytics solutions through its direct sales team.
– The company also leverages strategic partnerships with cloud platform providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Customer Relationships:

– Snowflake Inc. focuses on building long-term relationships with its customers through personalized onboarding, training, and technical support.
– The company also provides self-service resources such as documentation and online community forums to empower customers to find solutions independently.

Revenue Streams:

– Snowflake generates revenue through subscription-based pricing for its cloud data platform.
– The company also offers additional services such as professional services and training, which contribute to its overall revenue.

Key Resources:

– Snowflake’s key resources include its cloud-based data platform, its team of data engineers and architects, and its strong network of technology partners.

Key Activities:

– Snowflake’s key activities include continuously improving its cloud data platform, developing new features and capabilities, and maintaining strong relationships with technology partners.

Key Partners:

– Snowflake Inc. partners with major cloud platform providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform to provide seamless integration and enhanced performance for its customers.
– The company also collaborates with technology and consulting partners to expand its reach and offer additional services to its customers.

Cost Structure:

– Snowflake’s primary costs include research and development, sales and marketing, and technical support for its customers.
– The company also incurs costs related to data center infrastructure and cloud platform usage.

Overall, Snowflake Inc.’s business model is centered around delivering a robust, scalable, and flexible cloud data platform to enterprise customers through strategic partnerships, personalized customer relationships, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Snowflake’s Competitors

Snowflake Inc. is a cloud-based data warehousing company that provides a platform for data storage, processing, and analytics. As a leader in the data warehousing market, Snowflake Inc. faces competition from various companies offering similar services. Some of its top competitors include Amazon Web Services, Google BigQuery, Microsoft Azure, Cloudera, and Teradata. These companies also offer data warehousing solutions and compete with Snowflake Inc. in the cloud computing space.

Snowflake SWOT Analysis


1. Leading cloud-based data warehousing platform
2. Scalable and high-performance architecture
3. Strong customer base including top global companies
4. Continuous product innovation and updates


1. Reliance on third-party cloud providers for infrastructure
2. Limited geographic presence
3. High competition in the cloud data warehousing space


1. Growing demand for cloud-based data solutions
2. Expansion into new markets and industries
3. Partnering with other cloud service providers for strategic alliances


1. Security and privacy concerns related to data storage in the cloud
2. Intense competition from other cloud data warehousing providers
3. Potential changes in cloud infrastructure pricing and availability.

Concluding Analysis

In evaluating the business model of Snowflake Inc., it is clear that the company has positioned itself as a leader in the cloud data platform space. With its innovative approach to data management and storage, Snowflake has managed to disrupt the industry and carve out a significant market share. As an analyst, my perspectives on the future of the business are optimistic. With its strong financial performance and continued investment in research and development, Snowflake is well-positioned to maintain its competitive edge and capitalize on the growing demand for cloud-based data solutions. Additionally, its partnerships with leading cloud providers and focus on expansion into new markets bode well for its long-term growth prospects. As such, I believe that Snowflake Inc. has a promising future ahead.

Additional Resources

To keep learning and advancing your career, we highly recommend these additional resources:

Business Model Canvas of The Top 1,000 Largest Companies by Market Cap in 2024

A List of 1000 Venture Capital Firms & Investors with LinkedIn Profiles

Peter Thiel and the 16 Unicorns: The Legacy of Thiel Fellowship

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